Incident at sea alone was enough to lose confidence, says former Governor

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Mr Pyle described the collision at sea as the defining moment in which he lost confidence in the former Commissioner.
Speaking at the Inquiry, Nick Pyle said previous incidents such as the manner of the arrests of senior MoD officers following the airport incident had been a matter for deep concern, but not loss of confidence.

Mr Pyle said he had aske Mr McGrail for the location of the collision several times, and believes the former Commissioner withheld from him the fact it had happened in Spanish waters.

He said this detail was important for Anglo-Spanish diplomacy.

However, Mr Pyle acknowledged he had already learned about the coordinates from what he described as the 'MoD family', and had not challenged Mr McGrail on this.
He denied he was testing Mr McGrail to see how long it would take him to provide the information.