그 이름 아름답도다 (What A Beautiful Name) with Dunamis Greenhouse in Brazil

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What A Beautiful Name
Cover by [ Susanghan St Worship ] X [ Dunamis Greenhouse ]

Song by Hillsong
Words and Music by Ben Fielding & Brooke Ligertwood

Project Director : 백종범
Vocals : 김예율, 고동환, 티나 킴, 이준섭, Mariana Camacho, Jade Russian, Bex Muniz
Electric Guitar : 장봉균
Bass Guitar : 정슬기
Drum : 이준
Mixed and mastered by : 김훈희
Video by Susanghan St Production

Special Thanks to Dunamis Greenhouse, Ocean City Seoul and Colin Giwon
Dunamis Greenhouse Team:
Samuel Rodriguez
Nathan Profeta
Iohan Rojas
Rebeca Muniz
Mariana Camacho
Carissa Ortegon
Livia Capello
Jade Russian
Maëva Raholison
Krystal Shim

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